LOOK ONE - [product id="101172"]; [product id="101177"]; [product id="101179"]; [product id="101174"]; LOOK TWO - [product id="101183"]; [product id="101185"]; [product id="101187"]; [product id="101181"]
LOOK THREE - [product id="101206"]; [product id="101216"]; LOOK FOUR - [product id="101202"]; [product id="101204"]; LOOK FIVE - [product id="101212"]; [product id="101220"]; LOOK SIX - [product id="101214"]; [product id="101210"]; LOOK SEVEN - [product id="101208"]; [product id="101218"]
ONE - [product id="101198"]; TWO - [product id="101193"]; THREE - [product id="101191"]; FOUR - [product id="101189"]; FIVE - [product id="101196"]; SIX - [product id="101200"]
ONE - [product id="101226"]; TWO - [product id="101251"]; THREE - [product id="101225"]; FOUR - [product id="101230"]; FIVE - [product id="101181"]; SIX - [product id="101228"]; SEVEN - [product id="101227"]; EIGHT - [product id="101256"]; NINE - [product id="101229"];
ONE - [product id="101233"]; TWO - [product id="101235"]; THREE - [product id="101236"]; FOUR - [product id="101231"]; FIVE - [product id="101232"]; SIX - [product id="101234"];
ONE - [product id="101325"]; TWO - [product id="101327"]; THREE - [product id="101329"]; FOUR - [product id="101331"]; FIVE - [product id="101333"];


By Jessica Makinson

This collection of shopable beauties dance the line
between form and function, whimsy and practicality.
And I definitely didn't see them coming...

After putting together this layout, I serendipitously sat to see the film I Origins, whose fantastical and romantic story centers on the individual patterns of the human eye. In it, writer-director Mike Cahill gracefully explores the line between scientific fact and spiritual belief. He incites a complicated war of feelings vs. facts. This movie does something so rare that I’m tempted to call it one of my favorites…
it’s unpredictable.
These eye-inspired items are themselves unpredictable, perhaps even impractical. A feast for the eyes — who in the course of a day will see too many palatable and predictable sales pitches, images, and commercials. So just like the film, this collection of shopable beauties dance the line between form and function, whimsy and practicality. And I definitely didn’t see them coming …

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