Images by Eliza Sys




A photographer and model from Belgium, Eliza Sys has published a zine of her work entitled It’s not over yet. See more at her website.

T-shirts can be all things to people, from a status symbol to a memory trigger. What do they represent to you?
T-shirts to me are the basis of my style. They represent a world of possibilities—the one staple that has been universal since its beginning is a T-shirt. It just represents the overall diversity and creativity that can be expressed in one piece of clothing and in life in general.

Do you recall your first favorite T-shirt?
My first favorite T-shirt was actually a pajama top that was deep purple and had frog princesses all over it. It had matching pants, of course. It was my signature outfit for a solid five years of my childhood.

How would you describe your style?
I like to think that my style varies. Some days I keep it super simple and just pair black jeans, a white tee and a black leather jacket. Other days I go super boho. It really just depends on my mood, so I guess I’ll just call my style moody.

What inspires you?
Travel definitely inspires me, especially traveling to places that are really rich in history. The food in foreign places, the architecture, the people. Being in a place unfamiliar to me freaks me out but is also my biggest source of inspiration; it forces me to explore. And my mom inspires me, of course. She’s amazing.

What do you most like about your line of work?
My favorite part of my line of work is getting to portray a different attitude and style almost every time I shoot. I get to meet so many creative people and work in different places. Work isn’t boring when everyday is a new day. And there’s also such variety in the industry. I work in modeling as well as styling, merchandising and prop building for photoshoots. I really like being able to work both in front of and behind the camera in every creative aspect of the industry.

What’s next?
Next for me is graduation from college! Woo! And I’m currently in the planning process of looking for agencies in Japan and London so that I can do some residencies. So hopefully this summer or fall I’ll be working out there! Keep an eye out!

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